Announcements and Solutions (FAQs) – Minecraft EE


Announcements and Solutions (FAQs) – Minecraft EE


Which ID to use?

There are two IDs which are provided to you (as per our information)

If you have not yet received the second ID then you can use the ID to practice the activities mentioned during the session.

Initial password of IDs are Minecraft#123 which you will need to change before using it with Minecraft.

Open and enter demo id and password. It will prompt you to change the password. Enter a strong password (Some alphanumeric string with capitals and special characters)

Portal will confirm you about the successful password change. Now confirm your mobile number or email ID for authentication purpose.

Use the below link to see the video about the explained process.

How to join the Live Event

You have option to join using three ways.

  1. Use your ID to login into Desktop/ Laptop or Mobile
  2. Use Demo ID ID to login into Desktop/ Laptop or Mobile
  3. Join Anonymously

How to download Minecraft Education Edition

Download Link

If you are facing any sound or video issue, then please check your connection and join again using the link. Day wise recording is available for view and accessible through the same day’s link.


Why should I allow students to play Minecraft at school?

Minecraft: Education Edition is a game-based learning platform that offers educators a transformative way to engage students and ignite their passion for learning. The platform contains controls not found in the Consumer editions of Minecraft – which allow instructors oversight into the activities of their students. Educators in grades K-12 are using Minecraft: Education Edition to teach a range of subjects, from history and chemistry to sustainability and foreign languages, and can map lessons directly to specific learning outcomes and curriculum standards.  Through these project-based lessons, students build critical 21st century skills like collaboration, creative problem solving and digital citizenship.


Does Minecraft: Education Edition collect or store student data?

Minecraft: Education Edition uses Office 365 services for authentication, and does not collect or store any personal information within the application.  The Office 365 platform is in full compliance with COPPA, CIPA, and FERPA.


Password for Demo ID

Initial password of IDs are Minecraft#123 which you will need to change before using it with Minecraft.

Open and enter demo id and password. It will prompt you to change the password. Enter a strong password (Some alphanumeric string with capitals and special characters)

Portal will confirm you about the successful password change. Now confirm your mobile number or email ID for authentication purpose.

Use the below link to see the video about the explained process.



Steps to redeem the code:
1- Open any browser and type “” in the address bar.
2- Sign in on the upper right option with Office 365 ID.
3- Click on Profile Icon on the top right corner and click on “Redeem Achievement Code” the code.
4- Enter the code in given text box T-XXXXX
5- Educators will get congratulations message. Close the dialog box.
6- Select “My Profile” in upper right corner.
7- All the certificates are visible
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Twitter :  @azccare
Instagram : @azccare



Minecraft Education Edition is available for:

WIndows Mac
IPhone Chromebook

No stable release is available for Android.

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