Category: Office 365

Office 365

Minecraft Minecraft Challenge 2022 MS Teams Office 365

Minecraft Education Edition_ Challenge Feb 2022

The challenge can be completed in-class or at home. Students can download Minecraft: Education Edition at Minecraft download site and use their O365 Education account to log-in. The Challenge Overview Page will help you and your students get started with the challenge. Challenge Page will include more information on timeline, rules, and the submission process. […]

MS Teams Office 365 Power Shell

Connecting with Power Shell

Microsoft Teams PowerShell cmdlets are very helpful for Microsoft Teams administration and management. Open PowerShell window and run the following command to Install Microsoft Teams Module. # Install Microsoft Teams Module Install-Module MicrosoftTeams   Run the following command to add Teams module to the current session. # Add MicrosoftTeams Module to the current session Import-Module MicrosoftTeams Run the following command to connect to […]

MS Teams Office 365

A Chatbot Comparison Table

Bot Name Features Programming Languages IBM Watson Conversation Service Built on a neural network with three main components; Intents, Entities, Dialog Node SDK Java SDK Python SDK iOS SDK Unity SDK Microsoft Bot Framework Recognizes the user’s intent.   Incorporates LUIS for understanding natural language, Cortana for voice, and the Bing APIs for search. Bot […]

MS Teams Office 365

Microsoft Teams Live Events

Microsoft Teams Live Events are an extension of Teams meetings that enable you to schedule and produce events that stream to large online audiences! Live event types There are two ways you can produce a live event: Production tool Description Teams Plug in your laptop and go… Produce the live event using Teams, a lightweight option […]

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